Aaron Inspired

I came into the kitchen today and realized Aaron had turned off the TV and gotten out a large piece of paper ... he was at the kitchen table sounding out words and writing w/ a marker. He was making a list of rules like we have at our weekly Baha'i Study Circle but with the heading Bhis Roc (Baha'is Rock) and decorated with Stars of David ... (he's learning about world religions). He had rules like:
-- some people believe in Krishna ( his spelling on all these were highly creative!)
-- we believe in all the religions
-- we do not say bad words
-- we love everybody
-- (and two things about two Baha'i holy days -- Naw Ruz and Ridvan -- because he asked me to spell both for him)
I think the study circle and childrens classes are really making an impact on our kids. I know they have on me!
With your permission I would like to re-post excerpts from this delightful entry, including the picture, on my blog.
George - 8 years later I see your message. Of course you may post. So sorry for the delay!
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