Staying in this moment

I forced myself to stop with all the lists and worrying and notice things about Lily and Aaron -- how they seem to get genuine joy frome eachother every day -- throwing their stuffed animals, running, chasing, hugging each other. How I told them they could watch TV and -- a few minutes later -- I come back into the living room and they've turned it off and are in their rooms reading and writing. How on a rare Friday night where we have nothing to do -- no scheduled activitity, meeting or sport that has us rushing out the door -- we're all sitting in the living room and they have gotten pens and papers out and are laughing and writing. Here's what they wrote. Lily: Enthralled with the newspaper (she always has a notebook and pen with her. Perhaps a future writer?) she copies the entire text of an add for a local hospital maternity ward. (We're giving this to her 1st grade teacher who just found out she's having a girl). Aaron: "I love going to Lifetime Fitness. It is osom. I like everything."
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