Saturday, July 22, 2006

Living to 129

Aaron asked me tonight if I'd live to be 129. I said I probably wouldn't be around then. And, he said, "But with Choice One you can. They help keep you out of debt."

(Surprise #1 -- He's absorbing a commerical. Surprise #2 -- he thought debt was death! I guess some might think so.)

Saturday, July 15, 2006


Lily's been thinking about marriage a lot lately. She traded in some books at Half Price Books yesterday to buy books about (much to my dismay) princesses getting married. We're driving in the car today. Lily says, "Mommy, can you marry a brother?" ... After stumbling poorly through an answer (something bad about not mixing DNA and incest -- combined with -- "you'll find someone you love that Aaron will love as well ... ") ... I said, "Why? Do you want to marry your brother?" She looks sheepishly and says through the side of her mouth -- barely audible -- "Yes ..........."

Saturday, July 08, 2006

The perfect sleepover activity

We had the cousins over and could not have been happier when Bree ripped into a brand new case of Magic Eraser pads and we began cleaning the walls.

"This is the funnest day of my life!" -- Lily

"Guys! Keep cleaning! If we clean, then they can sell their house and move right next to us!" -- Bree

Who knew household sponges could provide such high entertainment value?

Monday, July 03, 2006

Seeing the logic

Suddenly Lily and Aaron are showing problem solving skills that surpass me. Tonight, they were enthusiastically helping with our shredding ritual. (Are shredders as ubiquitous to households as toasters?) I was getting frustrated when the shredder stopped working and I couldn't get the drawer back in the unit. So after a few times of me trying to beat the machine, Aaron said, "Why don't you clean out the paper underneath the drawer?" I'll be darned if that wasn't the exact thing it needed to mend it. Then, about a minute later, Lily decided to open an envelope before shredding (whereas I was shoving envelope full contents and all into the device). By doing so, she rescued a couple of insurance ID cards before they met their shredding fate. When I congratulated her on having the smarts to open the envelope before shredding, she nonchalantly shrugged and said, "I felt the envelope and it felt like something was in there." Two smart cookies teaching their mom a thing or two.